Every now and then, many of the women are interested in doing something on their own. They possess aim such as to earn money as well as to get involved in some productive work. They don’t work for any firm or do any job instead they want to start their own little shop in their house. If you are having an interest in doing such productive things, then there is a good idea for you to start a tailoring shop at your place. It is not necessary that only women can start this business, a man can also start this business as well.

To run a business of tailoring, there are some basic skills that you require.

  • Knowledge of sewing machine;
  • Knowledge of running a sewing machine;
  • Knowledge of basic garment stitching;
  • Pattern drafting skill;
  • Body measurement and garment measurement;
  • Learn about fabric and their properties.

For a tailoring shop, one blackhead single needle lock stitch machines and one interlock machine which can be used for edge finish is required.

How to begin:

  • Make a business plan
  • Get the necessary equipment’s
  • Create awareness about your service

Promote your business through traditional marketing as well as online marketing